Episode 9

Published on:

25th Feb 2020

Godly Legacy and Trials

Just as Esther's father left a Godly legacy through his trials, we too find that trials, not "sunny days", help shape a Godly legacy. As a captive, Esther's dad faced low social standing, seemingly influenced only a few people, struggled financially, and probably faced physical problems (since he died young). None of these hindered his legacy to Esther. May we be people who embrace the values of a Godly legacy even, and maybe especially, during trials.

Remember to email me at brent@shepherdsfoldministries.com if you have a story about God bringing hope to you through a pastor.

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Pastor Brent Van Hook
Inspirational Thoughts for the Growing Christian
Find practical inspiration for your Christian experience through the podcast ministry of Dr. Brent Van Hook. This podcast is designed for all believers of any denomination of the Christian faith. http://brentvanhook.com/

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Brent Van Hook

I was raised in Brentwood, Tennessee. I'm a graduate of
Brentwood High School (1988 Go Bruins),
MidAmerica Nazarene University (1992 Go Pioneers) - B.A. in Religion with Business Administration minor,
Asbury Theological Seminary (1997 M.Div. and 2006 D.Min.)
I've pastored congregations in Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Kansas.
I lead Shepherd's Fold Ministries which is a ministry to ministers and I pastor Cross Community Church in Brentwood, TN.
I live in Brentwood, Tennessee with my wife, Susan, and sons Matthew and JD.